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Exe files on mac free

At this point, double click on the icon XQuartz.pkg from the new window that opens, presses the button three times Continue, then on the buttons Accept e Install, enter the administrator password, click on the button Install software, wait for the process to be finalized and press the button OK. So, once again, launch PlayOnMac from the folder Applications, pigia sul pulsating NEXT to proceed with the installation of the component XQuartz, select the voice Download XQuartz for me from the next window and click on the button NEXT. Once this operation is complete, start the aforementioned file and, using the window that opens on the screen, drag the PlayOnMac icon into the folder Applications of your Mac, then access it, right click on the PlayOnMac icon and select apri from the contextual menu proposed, and then click once again on the button apri (this step must be performed only at the first start of the program).Īt this point, pigia sul pulsating No to prevent PlayOnMac from collecting information about your Mac hardware in order to improve compatibility lists (or on Yes if you intend to participate in this initiative), then close the program and press the button Yes to confirm the operation: this is necessary for the program to be able to perform automatic configuration at the next start.

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Having made this necessary premise, the time has come to take action and see how PlayOnMac is used: first of all, connected to the program's Internet page, press the button Download PlayOnMac located on the right and wait for the file to be completely downloaded to your computer. PlayOnMac was initially designed to run native games for Windows but, over time, it has been improved to allow the execution of numerous types of programs.

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Specifically, the operation of PlayOnMac is based on Wine (another program of the same category), and represents a method to greatly simplify the configuration of the latter. The first method to open exe files on Mac on which I would like to focus your attention is PlayOnMac: in short, it is a program that creates a sort of “intermediate level” on the Mac, in order to obtain everything necessary to run the installation files of the Windows programs, without however installing the operating system produced by Microsoft.

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