Download free duke nukem forever ps3
Download free duke nukem forever ps3

download free duke nukem forever ps3

Download yourself a DOS emulator (DosBOX is good), and enjoy. You guys want a good time? You want to know what good old-school shooters are? Is your computer newer than 1995? Then I recommend you find a copy of the original Doom.or even Doom II. Duke Nukem 3D's combat was much more fast-paced and its weapons/gadgets were much more fun to use. Combat is slow and boring, and Duke's one-liners - while mildly entertaining - are not enough to redeem its shallow combat system. The very fact that I would rather spend time writing this review than playing the game that I just got an hour ago (and bored all the way through that hour) is testament to this fact. And I was still disappointed, because I am not having a good time. I rented this game expecting a good time - nothing more. I did not come to this game with high expectations, like some of you might accuse. And, let me tell you - even by old-school standards, this game falls short. I also went before even my time and dabbled in the Atari 2600. I bet most of you don't even know what I'm talking about.and if you do,'re probably old school like me. I played the ORIGINAL Duke Nukem when I was very young - and no, I do not speak of Duke Nukem 3D, though I have played that as well. I've played games from the NES, the SNES, Sega Genesis, the PS1, N64, PS2, PC games, as well as the Xbox 360 and PS3.

download free duke nukem forever ps3

Well.I'm 24 years old, and I've been gaming since before I could walk. I see a lot of people talking about how "old-school" this game is, and they seem to believe that just because it is a flashback to the old-school, it's fun simply for that reason. It becomes limited to "point your gun and pull the trigger". Because of the lack of precision in the game's controls, combat is simply not fun. My biggest issues with it are the clunky controls, the shallow combat system, and the LONG ass load times. Sure, Duke's comments got a few chuckles out of me, but other than that, this game is not very fun. Sure, Duke's comments got a I've been playing this game for about an hour or so, and I've been pretty much bored throughout the entire ride. I've been playing this game for about an hour or so, and I've been pretty much bored throughout the entire ride.

Download free duke nukem forever ps3